welcome to my EPIC websiteeee!!!

About Me
whaddup im oscar this... is my website. this is a picture of me
the page is under construction still

My Projects
Y1 FMP: 3D Survival Game
A small survival game demo with an interaction system, animated wildlife and high quality nature assets. The only thing you really have to survive however is a large bear that will attack you.

Project 3: Back to 2D (but better)
A synth voiced 2D adventure through a haunted attic. With your trusty tutor and close friend: Bjan the skeleton, defeat the possess items and clear the curse.

Project 2: 3D Game
No Cure For Madness 2
Another short 1 level demo, this time with a locked isometric view and animated AI characters.

Project 1: 2D Game

No Cure For Madness
A very short 1 level demo, featuring a pre-rendered character.